00 12/01/2010 22:26
Re: Re:
nobear, 12/01/2010 20.04:

grande [SM=g1749718]

ma allora però... lo vedi che tu sei tanto tranquillo e io invece, che me la faccio sotto, faccio bene?

If the U.S. government was not able to borrow all of the money it wanted to at artificially low interest rates, the results would be absolutely disastrous.

Much higher interest rates on U.S. government debt would cause the U.S. federal budget deficit to absolutely explode. Interest rates on everything else throughout the economy would also skyrocket. As mortgage rates climbed dramatically, the housing market would completely collapse. The U.S. economy would be totally in flames.

Every fiat currency throughout history has always ended up losing its value, and that is exactly what is going to happen this time too. The only way to protect the buying power of your money is to put it into something that will hold value (like gold or silver). Your dollars are never going to be worth more than they are today.

l'unica cosa è che, visto che la FED è privata, dico a me stesso: "mica faranno fallire tutto....".
Vero DG?

Vedi, io non ho paura perchè i film hard-core non mi hanno mai impressionato [SM=p7579]

A parte gli scherzi: secondo te, se fallisce tutto hai qualche via di scampo? Pensi che agendo per tempo ti salvi? Pensi che ci siano soluzioni migliori di altre? Senza offesa, ma sei un illuso [SM=g9058]