00 28/12/2009 11:02
...Sarà che e' fine anno per cui faccio qualche riflessione....
Riporto questo interessante intervento(anche se va preso un po' con le pinze):


The UK could drop out of the world’s top ten economies by 2015

Parte finale:

I’m not sure that public opinion in the UK has yet caught up with the potential impact of this change. Among other things, it means that whether we like it or not, we are going to have to be prepared to put up with economic, political and social decisions that are made internationally not only in other countries but quite likely in countries which have very different approaches to – for example – human rights. Adjusting to this change could prove quite traumatic.

Be' staremo a vedere...manca ancora un po'.
[Modificato da pax2you 28/12/2009 11:05]