00 22/11/2010 09:41
Re: Re: detto da Roubini
laplace77, 11/22/2010 9:34 AM:

PS: ammazza che pronuncia scarsa che c'ha Roubini...


Nouriel Roubini was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to Iranian Jewish parents[6]. When he was age two, his family moved to Tehran, Iran, and later he lived in Israel. From 1962 to 1983 he resided in Italy where he attended Bocconi University in Milan, and then he moved to the United States to pursue his business doctorate in international economics at Harvard University

20 anni in Italia...e la perdi... [SM=g7576]

scherzo a Milano consiglio:
shenker,british council...per quel poco che ne so.
[Modificato da pax2you 22/11/2010 09:44]